
6 days ago
6 days ago
Join Matt & Fiona for this new episode as the talk about the importance of connecting with God! Connecting with God may seem like a no brainer but all too often when talking with people we find that in difficult situations so many forget that God has the answers but we need to connect with Him! God makes it so easy to connect with Him, yet to often we try to walk though life disconnected. Take time everyday to make sure you connect with Him!
~ M&F
#Jesus #connection #relationship #success #Jesus #God #Bible #saviour #salvation #truth #victorious#God #church #faith #commitment #dedication #pray #change #christianity #March #tuesday #letsgo #levelup #podcast #newepisode #mattandfiona

Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
And We’re Back! In this episode we are looking back on 20 years. It was 20 years ago that we first met and embarked on this journey together. As we reflected back on the day that changed our lives forever, we are grateful for where we are today. Looking back, we discuss what we thought would be important in a relationship verses what is actually important two decades later. Enjoy!
~ Matt & Fiona

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Join Matt & Fiona as they sit down and ask the question, what’s your want to? The question to ask yourself, if your actions don’t line up with the Word of God, is not why are you doing it (fill in the blank) .. but Why do you want to do it? It’s not about having a glass of wine after dinner, it’s about your want to. It’s not about going to the bar with friends for a drink, it’s about your want to. It’s not about missing a church service, it’s about why you want to. It’s not about keeping the tithe, it’s about why you want to? … the question to ask is not “why do you do those things” but “why do you want to?” Why do you want to do something that is not pleasing to God and goes against His Word? ~ M&F #desire #choice #decision #christianity #Jesus #God #Bible #saviour #salvation #truth #victorious #jesuschrist #jesus #christ #relationship #God #church #commitment #dedication #pray #change #christianity #christlike #christian #July #tuesday #letsgo #levelup #podcast #newepisode #mattandfiona

Monday Jul 15, 2024
Monday Jul 15, 2024
Join Matt & Fiona as they sit down and talk about Renting Christianity. Often times people take more pride in a home that they own versus one that they rent. We often times also see a major difference in the believers who own their Christianity versus the ones who use there Christianity when it’s convenient for them because they need something from Jesus. Stop renting and start owning your Christianity! ~ M&F
#renting #christianity #ownership #christians #Jesus #God #Bible #saviour #salvation #truth #victorious #jesuschrist #jesus #christ #relationship #God #church #faith #commitment #dedication #pray #change #christianity #christlike #christian #June #tuesday #letsgo #levelup #podcast #newepisode #mattandfiona

Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Can Jesus count on you? Join Matt & Fiona as they challenge you to think about if Jesus can count on you. Can Jesus count on you to spend time with Him? Can Jesus count on you to come to church? Can Jesus count on you to be led by Him? Can Jesus count on you serve? Can Jesus count on you to give? Can Jesus count on you to put Him first? Do you do what you do for Jesus … or do you do what you do for yourself? ~ M&F #Jesusfirst #SeekHimFirst #christians #Jesus #God #Bible #saviour #salvation #truth #victorious #jesuschrist #jesus #christ #relationship #God #church #faith #commitment #dedication #pray #change #christianity #christlike #christian #June #tuesday #letsgo #levelup #podcast #newepisode #mattandfiona

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Join Matt & Fiona as they sit down and talk about what’s in a name. Not all Christians are created equal and just because someone calls themselves a Christian does not mean that all of a sudden we can let our guard down. Simply calling yourself a Christian is not necessarily the same as having a relationship with Christ and living for Christ. It’s important to use wisdom and discernment in all of our relationships, personal or business, regardless of what title someone might use.
~ M & F

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Join Matt & Fiona as they sit down and talk about the importance of choosing JOY! The Bible clearly tells us that we will have trials and tribulation … but the Bible also tell us to count it all JOY! The way the world views joy verses what God created Joy for are completely different. We were never meant to find joy in things, experiences or situation, God created JOY to give us strength! When we operate and flow in His JOY we have strength to overcome any trial or tribulation that we may face. Don’t allow worry, fear and anxiety take over during difficult times, instead CHOOSE JOY!
~ M&F
#joy #choosejoy #strength #Jesus #God #Bible #saviour #salvation #truth #victorious #jesuschrist #jesus #christ #relationship #God #church #faith #commitment #dedication #pray #change #christianity #christlike #christian #June #tuesday #letsgo #levelup #podcast #newepisode #mattandfiona

Tuesday May 28, 2024
Tuesday May 28, 2024
When you begin watching this episode you may think you are listening to a nature documentary (not really, just bear with me for a minute). We begin by talking about how easily nature takes over when you don’t work at keeping it at bay … you’ll have to listen to our exciting, or not so exciting, story we share in the beginning 🐿👀. In all seriousness, we started with our nature story to highlight how quickly the world takes over, and the same thing happens in our life when we start getting lax in our Christian walk. When you stop being consistent with your church attendance, your prayer life, your Bible reading… it doesn’t take long before the world takes over.
~ M&F
#nature #takeover #Jesus #God #Bible #saviour #salvation #truth #victorious #jesuschrist #jesus #christ #relationship #God #church #faith #commitment #dedication #pray #change #christianity #christlike #christian #May #tuesday #letsgo #levelup #podcast #newepisode #mattandfiona

Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Join Matt and Fiona as they talk about the importance of using the Word. Anymore, everyone seems to have an opinion. Opinions are just that .. opinions, they are not necessity true. In a word that is full of opinions, stick with the TRUTH. God’s Word is the same yesterday, today and forever and will always remain true. Use the Word of God as your guidebook and in every situation, don’t seek opinion, seek truth!
~ M&F
#truth #Jesus #God #Bible #saviour #salvation #truth #victorious #jesuschrist #jesus #christ #relationship #God #church #faith #commitment #dedication #pray #change #christianity #christlike #christian #May #tuesday #letsgo #levelup #podcast #newepisode #mattandfiona

Monday May 13, 2024
Monday May 13, 2024
What if we’re wrong? What if we’re wrong about Jesus? What if He is not the only way to Heaven? What if we’re wrong about what the Bible says? What if we’re wrong about the importance of church? The answer to all those questions… If we're wrong then we lose NOTHING! Let’s turn the tables. What if the Bible IS true? What if Jesus IS, in fact, the ONLY way to Heaven? Then, anyone who doesn’t accept Him as their Saviour will spend eternity in hell and they lose everything! You have NOTHING to lose living for Jesus, so make a decision today and accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour. We don’t know when our last breath will be … make sure your eternity is in Heaven. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE! ~ M&F #salvation #heaven #hell #John3:16 #romansroad #Jesusistheonlyway #saviour #salvation #decidetoday #Bible #truth #victorious #jesuschrist #jesus #christ #relationship #God #church #faith #commitment #dedication #pray #change #christianity #christlike #christian #May #tuesday #letsgo #levelup #podcast #newepisode #mattandfiona